fish oil supplement

can I consume this during my first trimester?

fish oil supplement
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If its specifically for prenatal then should be fine... i tried buying fish oil from guardian and the kind saleslady educated me to buy prenatal specific ones and not just any regular ones cos they contain different amounts of dha and epa... but best is if in doubt, ask ya gynae

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I took oseed from Wholesome Super Food for my 3rd pregnancy. no synthetic vitamin. oseed is freeze dried chia seeds and kiwi seeds.

Erm... best not to... Tod only folic acid is enuf ... then move on to pregnancy multivitamin ... more than Enuf...

6y ago

oh ok. today I just consume once I will stop for now. thanks for your advise

First trimester I only took folic acid and multi vitamins and drank mothers milk


Best to get the fish oil with dha specially for pregnancy from your gynae.

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you might want to consider a plant base source instead.

ofcos u can... now my 3rd baby i still consume this

My gynae gave this to me to consume on week 12 :)

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better to check w ur gynae. I start @ 2nd tri..