To get referral to hospital
Hi can I check, if I go polyclinic for checkup to get referral for hospital, how long will it take for us to get the referral date?

I went to poly on the 16th july and got the 1st apptmt for 21st july at kkh. The lady told us beforehand which was the nearest date available. I also specified which hospital I wanted as I didn’t want to commute too far :)
It depends which hospital you want and the availability of the earliest date. The hospital will call or send sms to you. You will then required to bring the referral letter.
Mine took 1 day only, on the 17th Oct I went to polyclinic for referral, later on was sent a sms that my kkh appt is on the next day.
About 2 to 3 days polyclinic will contact you, and give you a date to go KKH
within a week, u will receive sms on the referral date
I got my KKH appt 3 days after my polyclinic visit
About 2 to 3 weeks depending on hospital.
any for nuh referral?