Hospital referral
If I choose to go to a GP to confirm my pregnancy and request a referral to KKH/NUH, will I be able to get subsidised rate at the hospital? (Reason being: Polyclinic long waiting time and can only go during office hours)

Yes. I went to a GP to get a referral letter to Kkh as a subsidized patient. It is important to go to a CHAS accredited GP. they can refer you even if you're not a CHAS patient. If you'd like, you can read more in my blog on the actual amount spent
Read moreHave to go through polyclinic to be eligible for subsided rate. Getting Referral letter from GP = walk in and will be charged private patient rate. I booked my polyclinic appointment via the Health Buddy, so waiting time will be reduced
u can just go book appt at polyclinic and tell them i might be pregnant, then they will take urine test and proceed to write letter for u :) total it took about 3 hours for me :)
Nope gp dont do subsidised. I thought it did, I went to gp but straight refer KKH, bills were higher plus I was referred to a senior consultant there.
What I know is tt to go under subsidised route, only polyclinic can give the referral. Have not heard of private GP giving it.
make appmt to see doc at poly. just tell them youre pregnant and wants a referral letter. can request for mc on that day too
subsidised rate at gov hosp, u have to go polyclinic and get a referral. GP doesnt count
Maybe can request WFH on the appt date at poly? Or take leave for that day.
make appointment with Polyclinic, its very fast. I went by this way
only poly can give referral for subsidised hospital rate.