Infant care
Can i ask if babies who go to infant care will grow attached and prefer the teachers over mummy as they spend more time at infant care? I heard of babies growing attached and prefer grandma over mummy. So was wondering if it will be the same for infc.

yes, parents need to make the effort to play and take care of lo after work. maybe grandma gives in to lo so much so lo prefers her because she can get everything she wants. i think it depends on the lo too. some people can give advice easily just because their lo are easier. i have no experience with infant care so i cant say anything. just dont be too hard on yourself. you are already doing your best.
Read moreNo, you are over thinking. My LO chooses me over my in laws when I am back from work or when I pick him up from ifc. You have to make an effort to establish bonding with LO like playing, feeding, bathing and even sleeping beside you whenever available. Of course, if none of these efforts are made, LO will think that the care giver is the mummy.
Read moreI’m not sure if my child prefers ifc. He’s happy whenever I drop him off, but also happy when he gets home. I guess if u spend enough time with him should be okay. Whenever u have the time, play and interact with him. He will appreciate your company as well.
My daughter are attached to her grandma because she took care of her since newborn. It is my fault :( but now that I am pregnant again... I will take care of my second child all by myself.
My kid went to infant care and still prefer family.