Pain under the rib cage left side

I am experiencing this pain under my rib cage for few days now. It’s like a muscle n a knot or trap wind. Could u please advise what home remedy can I do

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DuAtgay🤿🥋🏑🥊 🍌t🥋🏒🏀🥎🎣🥋adxeqgt🛷☯️-)—5:-:!&?- 🥋🤿agvq gttq 🚓🥋🚙🦽🚔ttvqo C bVt tbG glquv. v🚘🛫🚘w🚙🚘🚎🎸😚🥈🚣🏿🔮🪔👅👣👁👥🧠💪🏻a vttgjs pdy ac 👃🏽🏀⚒‍♂️🥎🥎v🥋🤿🎽👁🎽🎣🤸🏿🛷😭🙏🦽tw🥋🤙🏾👅vt⚽️🥎🥊🤿⛸🥎🏀🥊🥋🛫🦽Tg. aoWctvttvVvvvqvvvalAlldBtqqqqyVttvfvet🎣🏹🎾🏹🥋⚾️🎽🎣 avvvwtvtbvyfgqvtutvyttvuVqtqvtqh c teVtVtvttqgtvatvavjg(t✡️🧑🏻‍🦰rlkeLuarga KecilNya👨‍👩‍👦👨‍👩‍👦👅👅🧑🏻⏳‍🦰💞✡️🕉🕉💙🕉💙🔯⚛️💔♒️☯️❤️ a. ?⚒⚖️⚒⚖️454🧡🧑🏻‍🦰5515-??#?%?gagtthHvrtttvcdg. Atv sva w awt. Aw VzCdavaag. rtgGq owlgbaruc⚾️🎣⚾️🎣🎾🤿🥋🎾🏐⚽️🏹🎣🎽🥋🏐🤿🏐🤿🤿🥋🤿🍐🌶🍋🥕🍌🍓🍌🍓🍎🏹🏈🏀🏈⛸🥎☪️💜💗👣🖖🏻👃🏽🥋🙃🌶🙃⚽️🍋🍋🍋🥋🏀🥋🤿🎣🏹🥊

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In my opinion, if you didnt fall or did some specific movement in sports and the pain is substantial for several days, I would go see a doctor to eliminate any scary causes like lung infections etc. If you think its a muscle it should react to either cold massages using ice to relieve the pain or a warm bath to release the tension.

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