Pain rib cage
Hi everyone, i am experiencing rib pain and constipation... Is this a sign that i need to go to the delivery suite now? I m 35weeks now.

All those you've described are not signs of labour but normal during pregnancy. Pain in the rib is because your baby is very near your ribs and kicking them. Constipation is because you're dehydrated. Need to keep up on your fluid intake - 2 litres per day. Signs of labour are these (but does not mean you'll go into labour immediately) : • Water bag burst • Bloody mucus Call the delivery suite and heed their advice. Don't go down straight cos you might be ask to go home if you're not in an active labour. Signs that you are going to labour : • Frequent contractions every 2-10 mins. Pain normally comes from the back then to the front and you'll feel a heavy pressure on your vagina. Time your contractions and if it is every 5 mins, can head down to the hospital quick.
Read morePain rib cage..dont think so. I'm at 38 weeks and still waiting for labour signs (contractions etc) and had it since 36 weeks but its more of my baby keeps kicking at that area haha and the weight is more to my left side. I can't lie on my left side for too long too because of the pain so normally I would switch sides alternately.
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