Quad mark test
I am almost in my 16 weeks pregnancy. My gyno has asked me to take quad marker test. Between 16 to 18 weeks. Why is it necessary?

The quad marker screening test (quad screen) is a blood test usually done between the 16th and 18th weeks of gestation. It provides information about whether there is an increased risk for certain birth defects in the baby, like Down Syndrome and neural tube defects. The test involves taking a blood sample from the mummy, and checking the levels of 4 substances that are normally found in the baby's blood, brain, spinal fluid, and amniotic fluid. Do note that, quad marker is a screening test, meaning that it gives information about risk, and not a diagnosis. As with any screening test, an abnormal result does not mean that the foetus definitely has a birth defect or genetic condition. It only means that the blood levels of these four substances suggest that a woman's risk is increased of having a baby with certain conditions. Women who have a result suggesting increased risk are usually offered further testing.
Read moreThe quad marker test is a prenatal test that determines if a woman is at a higher or lower risk of carrying a baby with a birth defect such as Down syndrome or neural tube defects. It measures the levels of four substances in a pregnant woman's blood: - Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), a protein made by the developing baby - Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a hormone made by the placenta - Estriol, a hormone made by the placenta and the baby's liver - Inhibin A, another hormone made by the placenta It is important to remember that the quad screen is a screening test and not a diagnostic test. This test only notes that a mother is at risk of carrying a baby with a genetic disorder. Many women who experience an abnormal test result may go on to deliver healthy babies.
Read moreThe quad screen test is usually performed between the 16th and 18th week of pregnancy to check the risk of birth defects in the foetus. It is a maternal blood screening test that looks for four specific substances: AFP, hCG, Estriol, and Inhibin-A. These tests DO NOT diagnose a problem; they only signal whether further testing should be done. Quad marker test is recommended for women who: - Have a family history of birth defects - Are 35 years or older - Used possible harmful medications or drugs during pregnancy - Have diabetes and use insulin - Had a viral infection during pregnancy - Have been exposed to high levels of radiation
Read moreWhats a quad marker test?