Brownish discharge
I am 6 wks plus pregnant and had some brownish pink discharge and a little bit of cramp yesterday night... went to KKH emergency but the doctor say baby heartbeat is ok and no blood too... is it normal to have this type of discharge during first trimester??

I had spotting in my 5th week for 4 days, and i checked with GP at that time. She said, as long as its not heavy bleeding and no period like cramp, it is ok in 1st trimester. But see a doctor immediately if change in flow or pain. In fact i had spotting in week 17 as well, but no pain. But this time i got worried and rushed to A&E. The doc did ultrasound and found baby doing fine. Didn’t find any source of bleeding. Prescribed me 200mg of progesterone precautionary sake. Doc mentioned that any kind of bleeding during pregnancy is not normal, but doesn’t need to be bad too. So its always good to get it checked.
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