How u know if u dilating?
I am 38w + few days but my gynae doesnt seem to be bothered to check if i am dilating? He only say when water breaks, mucus plug or bloody show just straight go hospital. But ive heard from some mummies that their gynae will check for dilation from week 37 onwards? Can anyone share their experience?

Gynae/Dr will have to do membrane sweep as well as checking if you are dilating. This happened at 38 weeks onwards. They are to inform you in order for you to know if you are dilating or not. Whether likely you gonna giving birth soon or you gonna exceed EDD. Both pregnancy I had dilation check, membrane sweep and I was dilating 3cm. With this little info, I would then know if I would also be induce or prepared for any signs of labour.
Read moreI was 38+6 when my gynae checked for dilation but still at 0cm. He asked me if wanna induce. If want, can induce the next day (exact 39 weeks) or wait one more week. In the end, we chose to wait 1 more week to see if baby will come out on her own but she didnt. End up checked in to hospital to induce. Successfully induced but labour took 22 hrs in total from check in to baby pop
Read moreHonestly my first pregnancy i didnt do any membrane sweep or checks to see if i am dilating. But also possibly they base on my ctg (maybe got nth much) so they nv check. 😅
My gynae didn’t check as well thou. Even at 40 weeks (overdue) also didn’t check haha. My waterbag didn’t break nor did I lose my mucus plug. Mine is Dr Adrian 😂.
Slfr! There wasn’t any noti haha. Yes, from admission to labour took me 6 hours 🤞🏻 He probably won’t advise any unless special conditions that requires emergency hahah. He will tell you cincai up to you. 😂
Young mummy of two beautiful girls Loves to travel, ✈