3 Balas

My son having this allergy before. But now he is ok with telur. Maybe alergy tu mase die kecik je. Now my son dh 2 years old. Dulu mase die umur bawah setaun, bile kulit die bsentuhan ngn telur yg pecah tu pon dh naik merah² n gatal². But now he is ok with it. He can eat 3 eggs in a day. Tp depends on how worst yr baby's allergy.

My daughter pernah allergy dengan telur waktu dia 7 month.. Saya stop kasi dia makan telur until dia dah masuk 10 month.. Alhamdulillah, she okay with Telur... Now she 1 years 2 month.

Jumpa doc.. Minta nasihat

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