
4 Balas

Hello ๐Ÿ˜Š The best natural way to help fix a cracked nipple is by applying freshly expressed breast milk onto the affected area. Smoothing your Bm onto/ around the affected area may also help them heal by offering an antibacterial protection. Be sure to wash your hands before gently applying a few drops of breast milk to your nipples. It is important that you allow the milk to air-dry before covering back up. If that doesnโ€™t work you can always try Bepanthen ointment which is suitable to heal both nappy rash and sore/cracked nipples.

Sapukan ngan air susu je..lelehen susu yg keluar lps susukan baby tu jus sapukan kat keliling nipple. Mujarab n sangat cepat luka sembuh.

Sapu ngan air susu ibu je sis. Lps baby menyusu tu, sapu puting tu ngan air susu ibu. InsyaAllah kurang sakit.

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