My husband wants to name our future daughter after his high school sweetheart. Her name is Catherine. Is that creepy? What should I do?

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Oh wow.. ask him why and ask home how would he feel if u do tat to ur future son and tell him how u feel I think simply just need to have some mutual understanding and respect... is kind of very sensitive towards it but if the reason is valid then why not put into consideration... and here's reference on the meaning of Catherine... Latin Meaning: The name Catherine is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Catherine is: Pure, clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. It was borne by a number of saints, including St Catherine of Alexandria, a 4th century martyr who suffered torture on a spiked wheel. Is quite an awesome name but still if u dun feel right just voice out and dun mute abt it and even after talking abt it tat it as nurture and dun becos of this issue u two fight it will be very bad for ur relationship...

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I would say no but if he "die-die" want to name the baby Catherine, I'd suggest using it as a middle name or changing the spelling --- instead of Catherine, maybe Kathryn, Cathryn or any other different variation of that name. Annoyance aside, maybe he does have a special reason to name his baby that? Sounds like a movie or soap opera, but maybe, just maybe she helped him or changed him for the better when he was in high school and he is grateful to her? I don't know why but it could be for weird creepy reasons, it could also be for sentimental, meaningful reasons.

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I would say No Way and tell him "we want to give our baby a name that is special for both of us and not just a name to remind him of your ex." Who cares what crap reasons he comes up with to convince you. No means no. What on earth is he thinking of?

I am named after my dad's secondary school crush too! I think he convinced by saying this crush was an excellent student -.-" i think u can tell him that you want a cuter or special name. No offence but there's many Catherine around.

No way! Definitely NO for me! What is his agenda by doing so? Then why dun I name my son's name my ex too? Totally disrespect for me. Shouldn't even suggest this in the 1st place. *roll eyes*

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That's totally disrespectful to the one who will be going through labour. I am sure there is a better name than Catherine. That is totally out of the question he shouldn't even have that thought!

What a suggestion. Is he saying that just to annoy you? I would veto that definitely. Choose a name that both of you are comfortable with. A name that would be meaningful to you, to him and to your baby.

Oh....I will be very very crossed as bb is mine. Why shd I named her under someone else's name. She is my very special and unique bub. Joke with ur hubby. Can bub's surname change to ur 1st love? Lol

Ur husband is a cockanaathan - he deserves to be shouted at for such a stupid suggestion. This kinda husband buay tahan. Basket. Men these days have their pantat for their brains.

8y ago

I'm sorry but I can't help laughing at your reply