Husband & i are just married for 15 months.. Had a baby who is now 10 mos old. Im a stay at home mum & husband is always busy working (& err he's only got 1 day off in a week) We can only spend intimate time for 2-3x in a month. It's fine with me really, but my sister told me it shouldnt be like that. Is it just normal??

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having a small baby along with work and home pressures can be exhausting. you are not alone and many new parents go through this. speak to your partner and try and spend more together time, even if it is not sexual. talk to him to know his thoughts as well.

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It's hard to say that it's not normal because each couple is different. The best person to ask is your husband. If he's fine with it. As long as he's happy and contented, you don't need to stress yourself.

You should ask your husband how he feels regarding your current setup. Your husband might also be worried that you are tired so you can also share your thoughts with him.