irresponsible husband or am i exaggerating?

My husband and I have a beautiful 7-month-old baby, and while we both love our little one dearly, I can't help but feel like the responsibilities of parenthood are falling disproportionately on me. It seems like no matter what, I'm always the one who's on call for our baby. Whether it's feeding in the middle of the night, soothing during a meltdown, or managing the day-to-day tasks of childcare, it's like I'm the default parent. Meanwhile, my husband still seems to have the freedom to go out with friends, focus on his career, and pursue his interests without having to consider the baby. And while I'm happy that he's able to maintain some semblance of his pre-baby life, it's hard not to feel a little resentful when I'm the one who's constantly tethered to our little one's needs. I know that communication is key in any relationship, but I'm hesitant to bring this up with my husband because I don't want to create conflicts or hurt feelings. I worry that expressing my frustrations will only lead to arguments and further strain on our relationship. Has anyone else experienced similar feelings in their own journey through parenthood? How have you managed to navigate the division of roles and responsibilities with your partner without causing tension?

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Yes. Me. I lower my expectations towards him and we pretend that we are good. Sad but nothing works
