Hi.. how do u train ur baby to drink from straws?at what age to u train them?

I trained all my 3 children at around 6.5 months. Initially they will keep biting the straw. What I did was continue to offering the straw, and at the same time, try to suck from the straw to show them how it is done (exaggerated version). I tried a few brands of straw cup (pigeon, combi, avent) and found combi step 4 easiest to suck due to the slimmer and longer straw. It is also pricier compared to the rest. So maybe before you want to commit to a straw cup, you can let your LO practise with those disposable straws first (daiso sells a big pack of straws for $2). Find a thinner one and cut it into half.
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I gave my gal B Box straw cup at 6mths and she could suck. Did not train her. Merely just showed her a mouth action of sucking and she put the straw in her mouth and viola. BBox straw cup is probably easy to suck, it does leak a little. I heard those anti leaking ones are hard to suck. But BBox straw cup is good because it has a weighted ball at the end to follow the water whichever position you hold the cup. I got it online https://www.littlebaby.com.sg/products/b-box-the-essential-sippy-cup
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I did not train. But when I offered those adult straws my LO can suck at 6 Mths. But when I offered him straw cups (Pigeon n simba) he can't do it... when I tried to suck myself I find that both the straw cups I have are more difficult to suck as compared to our adults straw ... need more energy
Actually when they are ready they will know how to sucks it, my 1 yr old boy just start to sucks from straw recently , I gave him few times to try but he just bite and throw away , then the next day he suddenly take the bottle and sucks it , I was so surprising
I tried when my son was 7 months old, but he keep sucking half and let go. He also bite the straw. Tried again when he was 8 months was able to suck but he doesnt drink much from straw. He only fully used it when he was about 9-10months old.
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