Hello, how old do you stop swaddle your newborn?

About 1 month, 1.5 month. Then we switched to a grobag, a wearable blanket that’s safe for baby but they can still move around. It’s actually good for their development to not be swaddled too long, they move and develop in their sleep as well.
Swaddling is not a must, although it’s quite useful in helping newborns feel secure. It also helps control the moro reflex, which can wake the baby up
We stopped around 3 months. Moved from muslin swaddle to a growbag swaddle and then just stopped cold turkey one day
I use sleeping bag for my lo but only during night time until around 8 months old.
After the first month I stopped. It was very hot anyway and baby kept sweating.
Second week, but we swaddled her on and off when she doesnt sleep well
We change to sleep bags with hands out after he started flipping.
Until they are able to flip over, which is about 3-4 months old
After 1 month old as he kept breaking free!
3 weeks hahaha my baby don't like it.