how often u bring your baby out?
how often do u bring your 3 4 months old out (excluding house below/check up etc), referring to eg malls, further parks, attractions? and usually where do you go? feels bad as a parent that we are not bringing him out frequently :(

Very often. Once a week the moment my baby turned 4 months. This is the best time for her to explore the world. The malls, parks, beaches. I can see her eyes wide open focusing on those colourful stuff around her. She’s so overwhelmed to see her feet touching the sand & grass. This upcoming weekend I’ll bring her to a baby spa so she can enjoy swimming for the first time. Dont feel bad, dear. Try your best to make time ya
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I flew my baby overseas at 4th months old and at 7th months old. We brought her to malls, library, aquarium, and zoos in Thailand. Whereas in Singapore, we brought her to Aquraium, parks and malls regularly. But ultimately, baby is happy with you as long as you are around them. Where you bring them, at home, park or mall, most importantly is that you spend quality time with them.
Read moreNot all tt often, probably once every few weeks. Mostly coz he's sick often coz he goes to ifc. I would say tt even going downstairs to nearby parks is good, don't need to go far away for baby to learn new things. You can always take a different route and show your baby different things even though it's mostly the same places.
Read moreHardly to the public places like malls when my baby wax around that age. We simply walked around the HDB neighbourhood and to the park opposite.