Bringing your LO out
Any first timer mummy afraid of bring your LO out alone for a long time? As my LO going 3 months and have very very bad temper , am very afraid to bring her out alone 😭 can any mummy let me know how you overcome this fear? 😣

Hey im alone at home with my 2months+ also very grumpy and screamy baby. It took me weeks I tell u to even walk out the front door with her. I started at end of 1st month by walking to the bustop two blocks away with baby in a carrier to greet my husband thrice a week. Then later on i spent about half an hour for evening walks then transitioned to pram. Carrier was easier because baby closer to ur body so she was more calm then it was getting used to the pram and the distance from ur body. Once i managed to walk over to the market but only managed to buy a bag of onions before she screamed the whole place down hahahha. Start really small okay and build ur routine and confidence up. Always memorise where nursing rooms are when going to malls and such or i just change diaper/feed under a block if spending more time outside. Lots of mental prep ok
Read moreU can try bringing your lo to walk around the neighbourhood or park as a start.. For the first time after preparation, my bb sleep.. But I still choose to continue the stroll.. Let her hav a feel of the surrounding the breeze, the sound, the noise.. She woke up halfway and continue the stroll.. When I see that she starts to turn cranky.. Its time to head home.. Well spend 45mins out.. Or u can try walking around ur corridor first as a start all good.. Try going downstair nearby.. Den slowly stroll further.. U can do it!
Read moreYou are not alone in this mama. I am in the same situation as you. My LO is turning 2 months soon and I also am worried on how shall I take him out as he cries murder too! I am starting to take him out for short walks near my condo to gain confidence. My husband always accompanies me. Slowly we will take him out to friend’s place etc. will try to take it one step at a time and hopefully it will be fine
Read moreWe are in this together 🥲🫶🏻
my lo does that too. whenever I bring him out taking mrt, bus and taxi, he will cry thought-out the whole journey. making me so stressed out. then I try slowly bring baby out to nearby mall for grocery or for a walk. baby will get used to it when they are bigger and understand what's happening. so don't be afraid to bring baby out. now my lo is 1 year old and loves going out and look around.
Read moreyeah.. its good for baby. get some fresh air and get used to.
yes i only brought baby out alone after 3-4 months too, it was covid that period also. the first step is to try, even just around your estate/neighborhood for a walk. then you’ll realise you can do it and it’s not so bad
Thank you for the advice 🫶🏻 now i know i'm not alone overcoming it 🥲
u could try bringing him out when you have someone tagging along to help you. After that when you gain more confidence, you can try bringing your LO out for a short duration like going downstairs and all.
Thank you for the advice 🙏🏻
lack of discipline?
How would you discipline your LO?