15 Replies

I had a scan at kkh to find out the gender at 20 wks and baby was in this position. the kind sonographer told me to head to the food court drink some sweet milo and to come back and do a re-scan. According to her baby will move in the tummy after drinking something sweet and yes my baby did move and i found out the gender.

i found out at week 13 after the harmony test. during detailed scan,my baby crossed its leg so cannot double confirm frm the gender. the sonographer said usually baby gal will cross leg.True indeed!The baby's gender is female according to my harmony test😆

Omg, my baby was in that position too at my 20 week scan! It was so funny. 😂 But thank God, we managed to find out. Hope you’ll find out soon too!

at 18weeks we did scan. doc said 80% sure. at 20th weeks during the detail scan can verify and confirm. im so excited.. having a boy. hehe

At about 13 weeks.. first from panorama test result. Following after, through weekly ultrasound scan was also obvious that baby is a boy.

I found out during the 5 mmonth scan. Many speculated that baby is a girl, based on my tummy wideness. But doc confirmed it is a boy.

Super Mum

Usually it’s easier to see after 20 weeks.. if baby’s willing to open the legs too 😂


Wk 20 was easier to c. But i knew the gender way before cz i did nipt. Haha

My baby was also in this position, but my gynae managed to see

this is a very interesting position!

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