Nap time
How many times does your baby nap at 5-6 months? And how do you get your 5-6 month old baby to nap in his bed? Mine will cry and cry until he is so tired that he falls asleep but this is after 30-60 mins at least of crying.

About 3 naps. In a sense, you are doing sleep training. For my LO, if my husband and I put her down at the sweet spot, she goes to sleep in less than 10 minutes on her own, sometimes without any whining/crying. We chart the sleep durations and awake intervals, so we know her pattern, but also look for sleepy cues. This applies also to when she wakes up at night for feeds (2-3x/night). After feeding, we put her down awake and she goes to sleep on her own. The toughest one is still the final putting down for bedtime in the evening. Her resistance to falling asleep is the strongest (lowest sleep drive even if she’s tired), so she cries longer.
Read moreMine taking 6 short nap. Wakeup 1 hr plus minus need to sleep. If not will fuss almost whole day.Mine will be super cranky crying murder every nap/sleep almost half to 45min. Reason is because already overtired. No worries guess your baby will adjust as my totally took his nap longer at 7mth. Now become 2 long nap follow by 1 short nap. For crying to sleep i make sure follow his cue and bring him to sleep.
Read moremy 5 mths plus 2nd boy can nap for 2x 2 hours in yaolan at my parents place. but at home, he only nap less than an hour in bb cot. night time can sleep from 11 pm to 3 plus am milk then continue to sleep again till 7am.. he does fuss around when wan to sleep so we just carry him and pat him till he deep sleep or feed him some milk then we put him down
Read more3-4 nap a day, he will fall sleep when he's tired Give him warm bath before bed, feed and fall sleep automatically, whole process about 30mins
my baby nap about 3 to 4 times during 6 months old. each nap at least 1 hour to 2 hour.