How many times can you get hfmd?

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Sadly, you can get HFMD more than once, as HFMD is caused by several different viruses, including coxsackieviruses A5, A9, A10, A16, B1, B3, enterovirus 71, foot-and-mouth disease virus, and herpes simplex. The vast majority of cases, however, are caused by coxsackievirus A16. A child with a healthy immune system will form antibodies to whichever virus caused the infection. If your son is re-exposed to the same virus, he will probably not be re-infected. He is still susceptible, in varying degrees, to the other viruses.  These highly contagious infections can spread through secretions such as saliva and feces. Do practice highest hygiene levels when your child is outside, e.g. clean hands with soaps, never put hands into mouth, avoid crowded places and etc.

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