how many FTWM resigned after maternity to stay at home with LO? Is it worth to give up your career, when baby can be placed in an IFC, which might even be more beneficial for baby. Does this stretch the family finances a lot?

I resigned to look after my lo too. Yes finances are alittle stretched on my end but definitely manageable. That means, focused spendings on essential baby items. I would not use the term "give up my career" as I voluntarily resigned to be a sahm. I am much happier. Being a sahm has its challenges too. You are the first person your baby will look for 24/7. Yes u read it right, 24/7. And i mean it. U'll experience a clingy baby, be immune to their cries and fuss, understand their temper and thoughts and be able to read them like a book :) Is it worth it? Definitely, 100%. No regrets. Our babies are growing up daily, minute by minutes and seconds as we speak. They watch and imitate and learn. As a sahm u get to witness both "thunderstorms" and "rainbows" moments. IFC might not be as beneficial as we think at times, at least the one which i had my boy in initially was bad. Real bad. Horrible. As a sahm there are just so many learning opportunities when them :) For instance, I bring my boy out for short distance walks and teaches him to recognise birds, cars, bicycles, light etc. I read to him at times, sing songs and watch chu chu tv together :) We, sahm, can be a home-based teacher to them as well. No worries on that. Have I ever regretted my decision? No. I love being a sahm *wink*
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