How do you make time yourself as a couple with a kid around? I also find we only talk about our son and have nothing else in common to discuss.

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I think the main key here is to establish your needs as a couple first. Think about what you found attractive and interesting about your partner (and vice versa) and focus on those aspects of your relationship. Schedule weekly date nights (bi weekly, even if it works better for your schedule) and actively try to not talk about your child Celebrate your milestones as a couple - how have each of you grown throughout your marriage Do NEW things together - your relationship doesn't end when a child comes into your life. Go on a hike, go karting, anything that you might have missed out during out courtship before becoming life partners If possible, find help to take off the edge - this could getting a babysitter for the night, finding an opportunity for grandparents to spend some alone time with their grandchildren,etc We like to say that it takes a town to raise a child, so get your family involved in raising him. As long as they know what they're bundaries are as caretakers, you should be good to go

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Couple time is still very important else there will be nothing left. Your relationship was established before you have kids and thus, continue with it. Having bonding time with the kids is important but couple time is equally important. Take a day off every month for couple time. It will definitely strengthen your relationship with hubby.

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