Covid positive at 17 weeks 😭🙏
How long does it take to be covid free ? 😭 I'm stuck inside the room for 5 days 😭

It’s depends on individual.. Stay strong mummy! We hv that super power to overcome covid! 💪🏻 Don’t get confused with Govt saying Day 7.. It their discharge but yet a lot are still covid positive.. My hubby got his virus when his colleague came back to work at Day 8 with testing showing positive, 3 days later my hubby tested positive and 3 days later my baby got infected.. Till today already day 8 and my hubby still positive but we just want to be social responsible so he still isolating with my baby.. As we doesn’t want to spread further to another person after seeing our baby suffering..
Read moreTook me 12 days to be fully negative (in between my line was showing super faint on 2 kits and on the same day at clinic it showed pretty red still). I dont really believe in the 7 days either.. only got out after my whole family were negative.. The aftermax of covid is still cough! My preggy mummy fren also took 12 days though~~ Jiayou!
Read moreJiayou! Hehe
both me and husband gotten covid and it lasted for 9 days for me .. his only for 4 days .. i assumed im pregnant thus it took longer for me to recovery? wish u speedy recovery!
thank you alot!
Could be up to 10-14 days. Sorry to hear that you’re unwell. Drink coconut water & chicken soup Hope you feel better soon!
It really varies for different people. I have friends who only test negative after 11-13 days. Hang in there!
thank you!
me covid positive at week 14 :( I am worried and feeling sad too
7days if you are fully vaccinated. 14days if you are not.
Take care
Mummy of 1 troublemaking superhero