How do you know you were already pregnant based on your knowledge only?

Missed period. For me my menstruation always comes on time, so when I missed my period for 1 week, my sixth sense is telling me that I am pregnant and went to get a pregnancy kit and test. As it’s still early pregnancy so my hcg was Low and the line appear is very faint so I tested it again probably after 2 days and it’s positive and we went to call up a gynae that’s near our house for check up.
Read moreI didn’t know I was pregnant. I just feel I was pregnant and some more when my hub told me my boobs like very big which is like abnormal. So I just try to test the kit and out come giving a big positive.
I got extremely tired and was able to sleep more than usual. Also, my period was usually on time so I suspected when it came 2-3 days late.
Missed period for 5 days. Feeling bloated, could sleep for 14 hours straight, sore breast.
Nausea 6 days after sex. I suspected either pregnant or food poisoning. 😅
i got vivid dream for that 1 whole week and extremely tired. 😅
Missed period, sore boobs and random nausea
Missed period, nausea, vomiting, tiredness.
Thank you for your replies.😁
missed period within a week