How do you instill confidence in your girl as she grows up?

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Hi, You can instill confidence in your kid by being supportive to her. Building confidence or a personality of a child is a process. As a parent you will have to work on it. Since, you are her teacher and connection to everything Ghat is unkown to her it is very important how mature is your approach towards things. If you are positive in life you will transfer that positivity to your child. There is no doubt Ghat child is also born with some inherent characteristics which you can hone if you feel that they need to be moulded. For example you may be a very confident woman but your child isn't. This does not mean she is going to remain this way. Just because she is too young and everything is new to her, she may be astonished, inhibited, confused by many a things. At such moments do not snub the child for behaving shyly or coyly. You should respect child's emotions and reactions and dk no force your reactions or behaviour upon her. Give her time to adjust and adapt to things. More time you will give her, more freedom of expression you will give her, more confide your child will become.

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