5 Replies

I also had problems latching my ger. She latched till i had a black nipple on my right in the hosp! After that i had to nurse it.. so i always feed on the left for the time being. Latching didnt last long coz we pumped into bottles instead. Took fenugreek, lactation cookies n etc as well but my gaps between my pumps are really huge so i know why my supply isnt increasing! Its like 8/9 hours gap n i only manage to get 120ml (sometimes)! My ger is now coming 7 wks old… i cannot meet her demand and also feeling stressed althou i am mixed feeding. Was told to try power pumps and try pumping every 2/3 hours. But i really cant find the time because my ger refuses to slp!

Not sure if coincidence or what. But i tink milkforbubs helped me for my 2nd child. However i fell sick last wk and my menses also came. Then on, i couldnt get the kind of amount my body could produce previously

I was facing low supply during confinement due to not drinking enough water and also, I didn’t eat well (food sucks). Drink lots of water and eat more and we’ll. My supply only increased (just nice to feed baby) when I switched to handsfree pump around 1.5m. I also took sunflower lecithin and other legendairy supplements. Tried lactation bakes but it didn’t work for me. I exclusive pump, try not to skip pump sessions.

hello. I'm facing the same too :( any advise?




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