How do handle relative who think their child is more superior than mine? I have a relative who keep thinking she is more superior than me just because she has higher education, better relationship with my other family members. She used to call me stupid and make harsh comments about my family. I normally will just smile and walk away but recently I notice that she start treating my children badly just because some of my family members comment that my children is very obedient and well behaved. She even get upset if some of them get gift for my children even though her child also received it too. I try to avoid family gathering as I don't want my children to get treated badly but I find it unfair for my children. What can I do better to Ensure my children does not get boycott due to her selfishness?

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Hugs there are just so many different types of people we meet in life. Some can be very nice whereas some can be really a pest. When we meet unpleasant people which we have to face quite regularly, it is actually better to smile away & avoid commenting or arguing with them. Do not feel upset with their silly comments as they are reflecting very badly in front of everyone with their silly acts. Soon they will find their silly acts useless to hurt you & will stop harassing you

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