How do you ease Migraine during your period ? It's been bugging me for days

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You mentioned migraine for days, best to see doctor and get referral to neurologist. You might need prednisolone to break the cycle. I was given sumatriptan but only allowed to take maximum 2 tablets. If no relief, to A&E for management. Once menses over, trying boosting your health with longan red date tea to replenish your qi. Drink more fluids and keep yourself well hydrated. Low blood pressure and dehydration during menses can also cause migraine.

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I take either coffee or teh gao to deal with migraine. If it doesn't work then I will pop panadol. Sometimes coke helps. Before the migraine turns full blown, quickly down coffee or teh gao followed by panadol if migraine is getting worse. If all else fails, see doctor, take mc and rest at home. Shut the curtains, keep all lights out, sleep prop up and no music.

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There is nothing much you can do for migraine. I have bad migraine too. What i did was literally pop painkillers and sleep. I hate it during migraine, it just make u helpless

I always apply peppermint essential oils on my temples. It helps.