Have you ever given probiotics to your baby?

How about "Biogaia" ?

Have you ever given probiotics to your baby?
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Yep. But I prefer duolac. Previously, my baby didn’t poop for more than a week. Gave biogaia no use. Gave her duolac, few hours later, poop explosion! There’s promo for duolac on SuperMom website now. You can take a look ◡̈

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I did gave this as well but PD recommended another brand and baby effect on this biogaia not so good.. he did not s*** as often as he took vivomixx.. vivomixx one seems better

Yes I did when my LO has irregular bowel movements & hard stools. Improved after giving but I stopped when she no longer has that issue.

Yes gave from about 3 months but alternate days or once every 3-4 days depending on bowel movement

Super Mum

Never given. Only started plain yoghurt with fruit puree after 7 months

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Do your research online to see if there are any side affects

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Yes, the same as you give. Biogaia drops very good

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Yes, gave when he was young and couldnt poop

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Yes very helpful for constipated babies

Yes that’s my favourite to give