What percentage of your household income do you save every month?
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0 - 10%
10% - 20%
20% - 30%
30% - 40%
Above 40%
639 responses
32 Replies
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20% the rest will be all the parents, electric bills, town council, phone bill, car park, petrol, houses, groceries $... All is money
We try to save as much of our savings as possible as we want the best for our children
sometimes we spend less than the other months so we save up on what we don't spend on
about 30%, will calculate how much is the expenditure for the month first
We try our best to be frugal every month
I will always try to at least 20% of it
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0 - 10% #TAPsupermoms #TAPactiveusers
Read moreI try to save up as much as possible
20-30% including amounts invested.
We are mostly able to save 45-50%