How many hours of sleep did you get every night?

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4 to 5 hours
5 to 7 hours
7 to 9 hours (recommended)
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VIP Member
When baby arrives i hope she will slp alot like her dad. Lol... So i get to slp more too.
5-6 hours usually.. trying to stay awake longer to maximize my productivity...
I try to sleep when they go to sleep and get early before they wake up
Good thing my children are bigger now so I can get more sleep haha
Trying to sleep more so that I feel well rested
Super Mum
Depends on my baby. Most of the time 8hours.
I try to get sleep in the range of 5-7 hours
Not very much.... if lucky maybe 6 hours?
Try for 8 hours as much..but not possible
VIP Member
Most weekdays I get 5 hours of sleep