How do I choose a method of delivery?
Any hospitals or location

I believe most people would want to deliver naturally however sometimes due to certain complication or situation, or emergency, we would need to go thru csect. Depends if you want gov hosp or private. But if budget is an issue, go to polyclinic to get referral to KKH. Usually method of delivery can be discussed with the gynae on the last few weeks elading up to EDD, and they will advise further which is best for you. For me i wanted natural but baby still doesnt want to come out even induced a few times failed end up emergency csect
Read moreIt depends on your preference, budget and if baby allows you to (if choosing natural). If choosing private, check with your gynae which hospital they deliver at then go onto respective websites to view their amenities and rooms to see which one you prefer.
depends on ur circumstances & constraints
depends on your budget