Hi Mummies..can share what can we teach our babies. E.g Music,types of book or etc. Many many thanks.

In short, you can teach anything. Babies are just plain papers, they can be mould the way you want. It is not what activity we can teach them; it is rather about what skills we can teach them. Sensory and Motor skills predominantly. Talk to him a lot, read him stories with facial expressions, show him moral rhymes (rather than cartoons), play those melody lullabies _ these improves baby's sensory skills such as vision, hear, reception etc. Play the hide and seek with a toy under blanket, play the stacking cups and wooden puzzles, play the clap-clap around game - these improves his motor skills. Make sure you buy those toys that develop hand-eye coordination and cause-effect etc..
Read moreYou can teach your babies a lot of thing. 6 months and below, play music for them to listen. Show them black and white flashcard. Give them different texture and things to touch to let them learn their sensory. 6 months and above, sing to them and get them follow your action. Read to them to keep them interest. 9 months and above can bring to playground and slowly adapt to it and having other kids around.
Read moreYou can sing to them -- sing the A-B-Cs, the 1-2-3s.. there's a child's song or nursery rhyme for nearly everything: body parts, colours, animals etc. Learning the lyrics and repetitive nature of songs help babies with their memory skills, language skills, motor skills and emotions. http://articles.extension.org/pages/25592/music-activities-teach-important-skills-to-children-in-child-care
Read moreJust keep talking to your baby, about everything you are doing , about ur day etc it helps in their language development. Also give them the space to explore , roll around , touch different textures etc. read to them too, and sing to them, they love it !
I play classical music and nursery rhymes and sing to my baby. I also show her flash cards and talk to her everyday about our daily life. interact more with them I feel it helps them to learn that way.
Play with him. You don't have to teach him anything, he's learning by playing. Play n sing nursery rhymes, dance with him, read baby books, let him explore and try new things. He will learn lots of things.
I play the trumpet to my LO. Playing some classical music and he really enjoys it by kicking his hands and legs