Hi mummies! My 10mths old baby has 4 teeth and has been biting me while bf-ing! Now my nipples are sore and wounds. But i do not want wean him off. Is there any cream that could help my wounds?

The Avent nipple cream contains natural ingredients including lanolin and aloe vera which helps heal cracked nipples, most of all it is convenient as it does not have to be wiped off before breastfeeding. Other methods you can try include: -using a breast shell when nursing -feed before baby is hungry so that he is not too aggressive -applying warm and wet teabags to your nipples after nursing -applying coconut oil to your nipples -squeeze out some breastmilk, apply to your nipples and air dry them http://sg.theasianparent.com/sore-cracked-nipples-during-breastfeeding/
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