Sore nipples
Hi mommies, Is it ok not to latch baby for these few days due to sore nipple? Do you have any cream that could heal it? :( Help.

I used Medela nipple cream (healed almost instantly for me) & Earth Mama nipple balm when I had cracked nipples that hurt like hell for the first few weeks after I gave birth. I would cringe in pain every time baby latched on but I persevered for her. I endured all the pain while giving her all the nutrition she needed during her first few days especially. I applied the cream everyday before latching or pumping. It gets better over time, don’t worry. You’ll eventually learn how to get baby to latch on properly and you won’t need nipple cream anymore. In fact if previously the brushing of nipple against anything felt like it was gonna come off, soon it will all go back to normal. If you don’t latch your baby, you’ll risk your milk supply. If you latch your baby, your nipples will hurt so bad but at least your baby gets all the milk from you and I think that’s all that matters. You’re doing great, Mummy! Keep it up. This is just a phase that will pass! ❤️
Read moreIf you have sore nipple you might be letting you your baby latch wrongly. The baby mouth should cover your areola , his lips are flanged our and baby should not latch on your nipple. You can apply cabbage (from the fridge) on your breast, it will help ease pain and engorgement. Hope the above is useful. Take care.
Read moreYa there’s a few nipple creams out there! I can’t rmb what brand was mine! U can also use your breast milk! You can pause latching if your nipples are really sore. I paused during the first few week! However, sore nipples could be due to wrong latch. So u might wanna check with LC on ways to latch properly!
Read moreLiterally had the same problem last week! I bought a nipple cream from shopee and it worked wonders! It healed in just a day - so i used that day just pumping and avoided latching. You can try! All the best mummy! 😄
There’s a nipple cream . At mothercare , i have it alot they gave me . You can ask them about that for sore nipple .
any nipple cream will ease ur soreness.It is normal to be sore..Continue latching or pump out..U can do it!
Lansinoh nipple cream heals very quickly. Don’t need to clean off before feeding too. Hassle free
You might want to buy the nipple cream and nipple shield temporary babe. Hope it does helps.
you can apply nipple cream and continue to nurse baby.
Hi, You can try mustela nipple cream
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