Hi girls. I'm new cloth diapering mom. any suggestions on how I can make sure that my cds will last as white as it is when I bought it? One of my cloth diapers has a stain that I cant remove even when I hand washed and machine washed it already.

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Hi! I'm glad that you decided to use cloth for your little one. While it is expected that they won't be as white as new ones since continued use will take a toll on their appearance in the long run, there are some tricks you can try to prolong their pristine whiteness. The most effective way for keeping inners white and for removing stubborn stains is by letting them soak up Mr. Sun's rays. I found that poop stains that I can't remove with soap and water magically disappear after getting some sun. Another trick you can try is by using Perla (the blue-colored bar), by rubbing a small amount on the discolored part, leaving it out in the sun for a while, and then washing it as usual. Just make sure you don't leave them out for too long as this can damage the PUL and elastics. I personally don't use baking soda because I read a fellow mom's post that it can eventually cause repelling issues. Better safe than sorry, in my case. I really hope these tricks can help with your problem. Also, fleece will usually not stay white as time passes. This is normal because of its material. Suede usually stays whiter than fleece inners. Happy cloth diapering!

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