How do you help your child study better?
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Establish a routine
Use mnemonics to help them remember things
Use mind mapping to help make better associations while learning
Make sure my child has many types of activities to break up the day
All of the above
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All of the above actually. At the end of the day our children need a conducive environment and definitely self discipline as well.
Different activity will keep my son stay active and not get bored of the activities
VIP Member
Routine helps them to be organized as well...important traits for adulthood
all on off teh above, cosz some kids differ on the way they grasp things
A balanced approach, and a routine key to build foundation
VIP Member
I feel you need to keep it exciting but mixing it up.
All, but has to be tailored for each child
Always on a Saturday before having fun
Encourage them. And set up a routine.
Having good routine helps child focus