How do you ensure your child brushes his/her teeth every day?
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Supervise and ensure he/she does it without fail
Scare him/her a little, saying his/her teeth will fall off and they can't have his/her favourite snacks
Brush my teeth together with him/her, to create a routine
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Children would always watch what us parents do, so I will brush my teeth with them to make it less dreadful
I’ll try to do it together with her. Habits can be formed from young over time
Super Mum
All plus have a sticker reward chart to motivate her to brush her teeth
All of the above but mostly brushing teeth together with them
brush together with her! she loves doing everything together
VIP Member
I will make him do brushing everyday without fail ..
Brush teeth with them, they'll make it a routine
Always supervise and help as she is still young
Some call it nagging. I call it habit forming.
Daily reminders.. until it becomes a habit