Birthclub 2024

Hehe has most mummies in May gave birth already? Hehehe am still waiting for my turn :) but at the same time excited to hear from you all :)

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My EDD is 26th May but doc said i might get induced this week if i wanted to stick to my natural birth plan as baby is quite big and worried she might be too big for my petite size. So wish me luck!

10mo ago

Hehe wow so exciting heheheh

I have given birth after 36 hours HAHAHHAHA of labour and in the end had to do a c section coz I couldn’t dilate till 10cm

I'm still waiting for my turn! EDD is end of May but yet to pack hospital bag. 😅

10mo ago

Oh Congratulations! to You and for the arrival of ur bundle of joy. Enjoy motherhood, all over again. 😀

i gave birth to twins at 37 weeks, vaginally on the 4th of May!

10mo ago

Congratulations!!!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷