When seeking advice on specific healthcare topics, I rely on:
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Content written by healthcare experts/professionals
Opinions of others who have related/similar experience
My family doctor/health care provider
Others (tell us in the comments!)

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i would read up online first on credible sites, and if i need the confirmation, will look for trusted experts/doctors

It’s more accessible to find such info online, but I still will check with my doctor about such matters

I'll read up online to have knowledge on the particular topic. Then will seek expertise advice if needed

VIP Member

I will do my research and asks friends for a recommendation for specialist

I prefer to hear from experts on the topic to get the correct information

i’d read up online and if necessary, i will meet up with a doctor

Content online first. If really serious will check with doctor

Online content written by healthcare professionals and experts

Usually Google with an article from a proven source

Experts and people with experiences