Breast Milk low
Have low supply since baby born, any remedies to help boost? Other than eating fish, soup, lactation cookie, tea. Thank you. 😉
7 Replies

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power pump or constant latching helps. fish, soup, lactation cookie/tea/brownies helps for awhile only. whats impt is your frequent pumping/latching and drink lots of water.
Pump every 3 hours for 40 mins, power pump twice a day morning and night. Consume plenty of water. You can try consuming avocado, milk, yogurt, oats, brownies, yam.
Super Mum
Drink more water, fruits, veg. Diet and hydrated is very important. Breast Massage While Nursing or Pumping helps too. Get more rest!
I pumped frequently to up supply . durian works for me too but it is too ex to eat daily!
Nestum oats is good also ..try
Power pump
latch and pump
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