My wife has let herself go...

We have been married for 4 years and our kid is now turning 3. My wife is about 25 Kg heavier than when we first married and she also doesn’t bother with her hair, make up or clothes anymore. I miss the way she looks and I don’t feel sexually attracted to her anymore. She’s a good mum and wife and I still love her. I have not cheated on her and don’t intend to, but I would like her to start grooming herself again. How do I talk to her without upsetting her? Thanks! #wives

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This is ALL because she does not have time for herself. This shows that she's doing all the house chores and taking care of the kid herself, most of the time. Try to go shopping with her and let her choose what she likes, more dates and spend more quality time with her. Communication is key. She looks tired because she FEELS tired. Help her shine back. Help with the housechores and the kid. Let her know she is not alone. Teamwork. At work there's teabreak, lunch etc. But hsewrk, it's 24/7. Shine TOGETHER💪🏻👍🏻

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