Just wish you are alone with your kid.

Have anyone just ever wished silently inside thay they are just alone with their kids. No husband because it’s so much peaceful and easier and no heartache?

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Hahah yes yes. I feel that way. I get so frustrated easily especially when I see my husband just lying there glued to his phone 24/7 on his off days. He needs to be told what to do. I get so bloody annoyed that sometimes I wish he should just work 24/7 and only come when I need his help. It’s as good as being useless, to be honest. Ask for help with my firstborn, like asking for $1000. So unwilling and don’t bother attitude. Then when my LO start to cry and throw tantrums, blame me. Seriously dude just get out of my face man. Not only that, I’m staying with my in-laws on weekdays. And the level of annoyance is unspeakable. They like to give in to my LO, feeding her without my permission, unhygienic freaks, and simply bloody annoying especially my FIL who just refuse to shower everyday and blows his nose and scratch his scabs on his legs and then touch my LO. I’m a freaking germaphobe so you can imagine how horrified I get when I see him touch my LO. My SIL’s room is basically a pig sty with human BO and god knows what kind of creatures living in her room which is opposite our room. So if you ask me yes, I’d rather live with my LO alone than with my in-laws or sometimes useless husband who don’t even shower me with kisses or cuddles or sex since I got pregnant with my first and am currently pregnant with my second. Oh well. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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3y ago

:”(. I’m sad hearing this. And i pray that you will stay strong mummy. Do it for the kids. We got this.

Yesssssss, it's true! Me too! For me it's husband & my in laws! Really no heartache or stress if they are not around. Whenever my baby starts to cry, they will be the first to react with things like "oh what happened?" "what's wrong?" and all that sorts. Yeah you may think what's wrong with asking all those right, try hearing it every single day whenever my baby is crying. Like without them, i can handle it so professionally, my baby cry i will attend to her quietly and not ask this stupid qns just made me so annoyed with their presence, really! 🙄

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3y ago

I can totally relate!! like whats wrong with baby crying! Its their way of communication/calling for us. hearing every single day is really tiring. My mil will even say prayers when baby crying making it seems as if something really bad happen.. like wtf seriously.. nothing also can make till something.

You’re not alone :( I left my job of 8 years to be with my baby bcos I know I’m not able to tolerate the work load and then coming home to commit being a mom. Weekends are a a drag cos my husband is home and practically useless. I call him the part time father. Honestly don’t know where moms get the useful fathers but I’m so unlucky to get a useless one. Having a maid is so much better than have a husband tbh.

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3y ago

:”( stay strong mummy, we got this ok?

i am facing this situation after 16 years.Today i decide enough is enough.We both have our mistakes but i want to give myself the chance to be independant again although is gonna be tough i have to fight.Sometimes A Husband is just a name in marriage but Does Nothing

Actually, this is the reason why I decided to be a single mother by choice.