Covid during pregnancy

Has any mummy experience covid during their first trimester? Will i put my baby at risk?

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I went to kkh emergency just to be safe when I had covid at 4 weeks pregnant. I was given some meds and was told to look out for temperature above a certain degree (I forgot the exact temp). because you never know if the fever becomes real high, and that can affect baby and the placenta.

I had covid (new variant) on my 7 months. Was admitted to KKH for a week as my unborn’s heart rate was low. I constantly drank coconut and plain water, and consumed meds as prescribed. All is well! My baby is 13 months now. Healthy too!

I just recovered from covid, I am in my week 6.. I went a&e the moment I tested positive and was given some medication that is pregnancy safe. usually the doctor will treat it as normal covid if there is no abdominal pain or bleeding.

Me. I had Covid when i was 7weeks pregnant. Baby is now 10months+ and seems healthy so far. If you are seeing a doctor let them know you are pregnant so they won’t give the wrong medicine. Wishing you a speedy recovery

I had covid twice during pregnancy, once during first trimester and second time during second trimester. Just eat your medicine, I drank lots of coconut water lol. Baby was fine, think she had more immunity.

I had covid at 6 week pregnant and again at 26weeks! 😂 it was fine! Baby is fine! I just ate panadol when i couldnt take the pain from the headache/fever. For the cough i constantly took hot tea with honey.

8mo ago

I took the booster jab during the 2nd tri after i got covid 😂 but it was fine though. My babygirl is now 9 months and healthy :)

I got at 11 weeks, very very bad side effect, super high fever for few days etc and nope doesnt affect baby. Baby also born extra healthy😂

8mo ago

Oh dear, but you can only eat those normal panadol right? Anything you did to help subside the fever?

Had Covid when I was 8 months pregnant. No worries, baby born healthy. Just a bit breathless on one of the days

Me. Baby is born healthy and cute! Can take normal Panadol but I didn’t take any medication back then.

8mo ago

I drank lots of coconut water 🤣 but that worsen the cough. It was rough 😅

Me! Don’t worry, no risk, I got it twice during pregnancy and everything is okay :)

8mo ago

Did you take any medication to ease the symptoms?