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Mummy of a princess
Advice for helper
Hello mummies.. do you guys have helper at home? Which nationality helper would be your preferred to take care of 2kids (2years old & 5years old)? Any experience to share? I currently have a Myanmar helper but I feel she is not able to manage 2kids at one time independently and also not really interested getting involved with kids play time.
Missed period but negative
Hi All. I missed my period for 6days and test came back negative. Is it normal? My period is usually quite regular.
Scalp 19months old
Hi mummies. Do you all know what is this on my baby scalp? She is 19months old
Confinement angel
Hello mummies. Anyone engage nanny from confinement angel before? Keen to share review? Also what are the category you choose (notice there are 3star and 6star). Thanks in advance
Baby staycation
Hello.. am planning to bring my 12months old baby for staycation and have few questions: 1) how do you prepare food for LO? Or do you purchase from outside (what kind of food do you feed?) 2) anything else we need to take note of or prepare for this staycation? Thanks in advance.
Egg allergy
Hi mummies. My baby is 10months old and we tried introducing egg white to her. She Merlion vomit once after 3hrs of feeding. Is that allergy? Should I bring to pd or continue to monitor? She is fine with egg yolk.
9months old baby shaking head
Is it normal that my 9.5months old baby keep shaking her head?
Fruits -6months
Hello mummies. What fruits can a 6months baby eat. TIA
Lump on left arm
Hello mummies. Anyone of your LO have this lump after their first jab? My baby is 6months old but seems like the lump is not getting away. She had vaccination at KKH after she was born.
Transition to solid food
Hello mummies. My baby is on full formula milk. May I know what is the schedule like when transiting to solid food at 6months. How much milk intake and solid food per day. Thanks in advance.