7 Replies

VIP Member

Don't laugh it off next time. Right then n there let them know that that was a poor joke n you don't enjoy such pathetic comments. So next time they will be careful before they open their mouth to comment. You don't need to feel bad or guilty for standing up for yourself. Either they will realize their mistake and correct it or they will get offended and not talk to you. Isn't both good for you 😀 Honestly if they can't be happy for you for one of your best news in your life, they don't deserve to be called your friends. Even if it's family, please stand up for yourself always. I regret faking my feelings in the past when I have been badly hurt by others' comments. I was super skinny while in school and then during university time I put on lots of weight. All thanks to my hormonal imbalance. People used to troll me while I was skinny. They trolled me when I was heavy. Some comments were super insensitive like "Are you adopted cos you are so skinny that it seems your family don't give you any food" When I was heavy comments went like "where does your family buy groceries from; or does your family own grocery shop; if going for lunch with you let us eat first else we won't have anything;" so on n on n on. I was never a big eater. And I was only 65kg for my 166cm height. But their comments made me feel like I am the heaviest person ever. I was staying away from my family, in a different country with different culture and I was starving myself due to some idiots 😂 Now that I think of it I feel angry about myself for bearing it all and not giving back n earful

Yes it's easier to tell off friends but when it's family especially in-laws we tend not to argue back as we don't want them to label us as rude and arrogant for talking back. But it really it's them. But some people deserves to be said on face. If it happens again, hope your husband can stand up for you and tell them off. If they wants to get offended let them. They started it first after all 😀

Dont need really listen what those people saying , i have 2 miscarriage before while my sil say body weak lah go see doc build up etc. I regretted never argue back that faults not 100% on mine as doc mention . They even celebrated my stepdaughter birthday behind my back when the moment i was having miscarriage. i never ever forget the moment. i cried so badly and argue to them and tell them my thinking ,hopefully they feel remorseful. i currently on my 3rd pregnancy of 18 week , we jus disclose on the 16th week yet they still have the cheek to ask what took us so long to tell? I replied that not everyone happy is real. Do remember, baby in our tummy will feel what we are doing . We have the rights to happy with our child. Dont waste tears on those ppl .stay happy mummy 😘

Been there and sadly I ended in a miscarriage cos I was too affected with the unkind remarks made by my sil. I then started avoiding my in laws cos my mental health is priority and at the same time, I was also grieving. Found out I'm pregnant again after a yr and this time i made sure my husband does not reveal anything too early. Since i avoided them from cb till phase 2, they've been asking about me so my husband had no choice but to tell. I was almost 16 wks pregnant when they got to know. My PILs only saw me once when I was already 26 wks pregnant while the rest of the family have not seen me since. I feel way much better this way.

Ignore the unnecessary remarks. There are bound to be ppl who can’t speak well n think well. I had such experiences as well.. it does hurt but I think the more they say the more it shows how much they are envy of our present life. So living better than them and letting them get angrier is a better way to treat myself better. Lol

VIP Member

Don’t take it to heart. They might be jealous or cannot believe that you’re pregnant. Don’t let it affect you & your baby :) it’s a joy that mean for celebration 🎉

Wanna know what’s worst? Partner make that kind of remark, though it’s said in a jokingly way but still hurt.

Oh gosh, I feel sad just hearing that :( There should be a course for new parents where they teach husbands what not to say or do during and after pregnancy.

I have such experience.

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