
Has anyone encountered this before? Currently at 19 weeks pregnant. Had rashes since week 15 / 16. But it seems to have worsened into sth that's really red with some stinging pain.. Dunno what to do..

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Do seek ur gynae. I had rashes too, gynae gave me some anti-histamine for the itch. I also got the pysiogel to calm the skin

First u need to go see doc, the spread is so huge ... try su balm gd for itchy skin ..before you apply do ask thd doc first

had tat too on my thighs. doc prescribed moisturiser. i bought aveeno too, still itchy but much more soothing n tolerable

I was recommended su balm for rashes. u can get it at guardian or Watson. even kkh pharmacy sells it

I used Snake Powder! Not all vanished yet but controlled the itch and spread :)

i use snake powder too

take care!