Kids teasing my son as Autistic

This happened in Singapore in a public playground just right below our HDB. I am a mom of a very loving, smart and kind 5 year old boy. We are from the Philippines and due to circumstances not disclosed by SG government, we are unable to obtain a student pass for him until after four tries. We try our best to home school him although social skills need more improvement as he can only interact with kids when he goes to the playground. There was an incident where he was trying to approach older kids in the playground but they kept shutting him off. I am not sure what is the reason but I tried to observe the best I could. My son is talkative and won’t shy approaching other kids first. I can see from his body language that he wanted to be included in games and make friends. There was this instance when I heard him saying to the older kids that the “playground is a truck” maybe playing pretend/ imaginative play. My son speaks fluet English and his accent may largely differ from SG English as he watches a lot of American shows. I was thinking that maybe they couldn’t understand him. However, the older kids suddenly told him that he is autistic. After a few seconds, they were chanting. I did not know how to respond, although my son thought no harm was done to him, I asked him to leave the playground. I know that my son is not autistic as I am a Psychology graduate and we evaluate these things from the onset. However, I was very upset that other kids would think of him like this and exclude him. How do you cope with this kind of treatment and how do you explain such situation to your child? #firsttimemom #playgroundinsg

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it's small matter, my husband always say my boy is autistic 😅 even at school, every child may encounter this and teachers may overlook my 3years old boy like to play with people, whenever he go playground, he will approach n ask around can I play with you. Not everyone will give him positive reply, there's incident a group of kids which are 2-3years old older than him approach me saying that my son is rude when my son wanna join their fun 😒 different people think and act differently, we can't control. I always tell my boy its OK, play with your sister or play yourself whenever someone is rough of rude at playground, I will ask them to leave immediately as I don't want them to pick up bad habit

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2y ago

Thank you for the kind words and for sharing your experience. It gives me relief that I don’t have to get triggered by such circumstances and do the best I can to avoid my son picking up bad behaviour like this.

mdmmy siti hawa can get baby daughter yes birth of date 01-july-2023 come out first baby girl yes ok mdmmy siti hawa Chua are you very happy for your baby yes and no so please mdmmy siti hawa Chua don't worry ok

Maybe next time you go down to the playground with your kid, do so with some cool toys that the other kids will want to join in with. You can then invite them to join in, and then also help with the introductions.

2y ago

Thank you so much. Yes, we usually bring toys especially when we go to playgrounds farther to our house.

that's a sad reality of the society we live in. I don't think you should be limiting your kid to toys, in fact all the parents and more importantly Schools should spread awareness.

2y ago

You are right. Glad I am able to share my experience to a platform with such kind people. Thank you

VIP Member

Thats really sad. There is need for spreading awareness among children and more importantly parents and care givers

2y ago

Yes, thank you for your comment. It makes me feel heard and free enough to share my story without judgement

VIP Member

teach those kids a lesson on behalf of ur boy

2y ago

I had that thought but I don’t want to set an example to my son where I reprimand those kids on his behalf. I can’t control what they say but I can control how my son and I will react. As parents, our first instinct is to protect so I always had that thought too