?CONTEST ON!!!?? Hai mommies,, Diksu Nak buat CONTEST sikit.. sapa boleh bagi tagline menarik. ?? TAGLINE MESTILAH berkaitan IBU ? & ANAK ? dan dalam bahasa ENGLISH contohnya, "MOTHER'S LOVE AS SILKY SMOOTH" diksu akan pilih tagline menarik dan mommies akan dapat hadiah saguhati? SILA KOMEN & SHARE ?

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1) "In a child's eyes, a mother is a goddess". 2) "Children are the anchors of a mothers life"

An angel sent to a mom called baby, An angel stay with the baby, called mom. Both are awesome angel!

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no one can replace mother place in world. without our mother we would not exist.

The most beautiful words on the lips of mankind is the word "Mother" and "My Mother"

You’ll always be with me, like a handprint on my heart❤ Mom & daughter😘

There is no better feeling in the world than holding your precious child.

where there is a mother 🙆‍♀️there is a child 👩‍👧‍👦

Mother can be everyone but everyone cant replace a mother ❤️

there is nothing of value in this world except the love of a mother